Monday, May 30, 2011


Did you know that some of the most dangerous chemicals are found right in your home? From laundry detergent to other cleansers, from personal care products such as shampoos, toothpaste and makeup even to first aid products such as pain relief medications and topical ointments. Many of them can effect the development of children and the pollution level of your home.

Join us as we conclude health and safety month at Mazel Day School with a presentation showing you how you can replace these dangerous chemicals with safer, more effective products.

This Tuesday evening at 7 PM at Mazel Day School

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dalia's Parents Visit!

Dalia's parents came to visit our kindergarten classroom. They talked to the children about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables to keep our bodies healthy. They also spoke to us about herbal remedies. The children were shown a ginger root and got the opportunity to smell it. Dalia's parents also spoke to the children about various teas and their natural ingredients. Both ginger and tea are natural ways to fight bad germs in our body and keep us healthy. We are learning so many ways people can keep their bodies healthy and are so excited! Thank you to Dalia's parents for visiting us! We learned so much!

Keeping Our Teeth Healthy

As Health Month continues, we are learning about taking care of our teeth. We read a book about visiting the dentist. The book talked all about the different tools the dentist uses and why. It also explained the importance of taking care of our teeth and brushing the proper way. Morah demonstrated to the class the correct way to brush our teeth, making sure we put a pea size amount of toothpaste on our brush and make sure we brush thoroughly to avoid cavities.


Kindergarten has been learning how to read a graph. To introduce the unit, The children were given a picture of an eye and had to color it whatever eye color they have. After they were done, we made a graph on the board. On the side of the graph was the number of students present that day and on the bottom was the various choices of eye color. One by one each child came up and placed their eye picture in the column that read their color. After the graph was complete, we were able to read the graph and see that the dominant eye color in our class is brown.

Kindergarten also graphed their favorite color. Each child was handed a picture of a crayon box and colored it their favorite color. When they were done we made a graph and placed each box on it. We then read the graph and saw that the majority of the class like the color red. We then hung the graphs up in our classroom.

Daniel O.'s Mommy Came to Visit!

Daniel O.'s mommy came to visit our class! Dr. Berlyne (Oz) is a Nephrologist, a kidney doctor. She showed the children diagrams of the kidney and explained how they work . She reminded the class how important it is for us to drink enough in the day and ways to check if they are doing so. Dr. Berlyne also brought in various instruments doctors use and showed us how they work. All of the children got the opportunity to use them! They each had so much fun pretending to be doctors by listening to each others heart beats, lungs and using the light to check each others throats. What a fun and hands on way to learn about our bodies!

Thank you so much to Dr. Berlyne for coming!

Good Readers

The Kindergarten class received special reading bags that they have been using in class and taking home a few times a week to practice their reading skills. They learned a lot of strategies that make a great reader.

A Good Reader:

Looks at the pictures to figure out a word they don't know

Point to the words with their finger at they read

Sounds out the words

Looks at the initial letter and/sound of the word to figure out the word

Looks at the ending letter/sound of the word to figure out the word

Reads with partners

Can talk about what they read

Can apply text to self

Makes sure the word makes sense in the sentence read

We learned many others as well as what a main character is in a book and the setting in which the story takes place. The children are having so much fun reading and making so much progress! The are really becoming, "Great Readers"!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Yesterday we took part in a special mini parade together with the rest of Mazal Day School. In preparation for the parade, we made colorful signs to carry with us. On each sign was a special message we wanted to give to anyone who saw us. Our theme was the mitzva of Ahavas Yisroel, to love your fellow Jew as yourself. We talked about what it means to be a good friend and how to care for one another.

We sang fun songs and had a really great time! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Special health month activity with Ariella G's cousin!

Last week, Kindergarten was treated to a special "health month" activity. Ariella G's cousin came into our class and made delicious veggie smiley faces with us! As we added the things to our smiley faces we learned about all the amazing vitamins that are found in each fresh vegetable. When we were done creating these most fun smiley faces, we got to eat it all up and we felt so healthy and strong!

Thank you so much for coming!