Thursday, October 21, 2010
Shabbos Party!!
Every Friday, kindergarten has a special tradition. As part of our preparation for Shabbos, we partake in a Shabbos Party! We light the candles, go to Shul, make kiddush, eat the Shabbos meal and sing special Shabbos songs! Check out these pictures and see how much fun we have.
The JEWISH home
Recently we have been learning about "The Jewish Home". We all created our own Jewish Home on a poster and stuck on pictures of some Mitzvos we can perform in it. We also took part in a really creative Jewish show n' tell. Everyone brought in an object from home and presented it to all their friends. Every single friend remembered to bring in an object! It was a real success!
Monday, October 18, 2010
An Egg Hatched

Our friend Ariella G. was so kind to give the school 4 beautiful birds. What was so special about this gift was that inside the cage, one of the birds was sitting on 2 eggs! We have been waiting patiently for the eggs to hatch. On Monday October 18th...Morah Dawn came into school and was delighted to see an egg hatched! The class was so excited to meet the new baby bird.
Every day we clean the cage and place new food and water for the birds. Kindergarten learned that all living things need food, air and water in order to survive. We took a class trip to PETLAND to buy the birds more food and supplies for the cage. The workers there were so nice. They even let us see the parrot that was outside of it's cage and all of the fish tanks!
We are going to keep a close eye on our birds and make sure to take good care of them. Thank you again to Ariella and her family for this wonderful gift!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Last Friday was the last day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei. On Shabbos we started the new month called Cheshvan. To make the day of Rosh Chodesh special, kindergarten partook in a school-wide rally. At the rally, we learned about the special trait (midda) our matriarch Rochel had. Her day of passing is in the month of Cheshvan and she specialized in the midda of 'chessed' - kindness. In kindergarten, we will be learning about this important midda and other middos as well. In honor of Rosh Chodesh, we also had pizza for lunch. Yummy!
Last week, we started learning the weekly parsha in depth! We will be doing so every week. We have such a great time learning the story from the Torah, reading books about the parsha and acting it out. Every week, as we learn the weekly parsha, we will be scrap-booking it as well. The scrapbook will be sent home every Friday so that we can show it to our families over Shabbos. Please remind your son or daughter to show it to you. We put a lot of work into it and are very proud of our special work. (please remember to send the scrap book back to school every Monday.)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Fire Safety

This week's Weekly Reader lesson was about fire safety. Morah Dawn read a book about firefighters and their very important job to the class. Kindergarten also learned how important it is to have smoke detectors in their homes. Morah Dawn brought in a real smoke detector for everyone to see. We spoke about checking the batteries often to make sure your detectors are working properly. Kindergarten also learned various items we do not play with such as candles, matches and fire. We learned that if ever our clothing were to catch on fire we Stop, Drop and Roll. Kindergarten even got to demonstrate this.
Kindergarten Learns to Add!

This week in Kindergarten we began our adventure of learning how to add! We learned to recognize the addition sign (+) as we as the equal sign (=). Morah Dawn used markers to demonstrate the concept of adding by 1. For example, 3 markers plus 1 marker is how many markers? To show the answer, the students would count out markers to come up with the correct total. We can't wait to continue our new and exciting adventure!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Fruit for Afternoon Snack
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Weekly Reader

The Kindergarten class has been reading from the Weekly Reader. One of the topics we spoke about were our manners. Kindergarten learned manner words such as please, thank you, hello, goodbye, excuse me and sorry.
Another topic we learned about was, How an Apple Grows. Morah Dawn brought in red, green and yellow apples. We cut the apples open and spoke about the various parts such as the skin, flesh, stem and seeds. Morah Dawn even had the children close their eyes and taste test a piece of apple to try and guess which color apple they were eating. What a healthy treat!
Measuring Skills


We had a very busy few weeks in kindergarten! So many fun and beautiful Jewish Holidays! Most recently we learned about and experienced the holidays of Sukkot and Simchas Torah. in honor of Sukkot we made sure to learn about its two main mitzvos; sitting in the sukkah and saying the blessing on the lulax and estrog. We even got the special privilege of doing both of those miztvos when we came to school in the middle of the holiday! We also made a beautiful Sukkot decoration to be hung up in our sukkah or home. In honor of simchas Torah we made fun, bright flags to dance with in synagogue. We learned all about how holy and precious the Torah is to each and every Jew.
We reviewed three more letters in the alef-beis; daled, hey and vov. we are really looking forward to perfecting our alef-beis skills!
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