Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alisa's Birthday!

Kindergarten celebrated Alisa's 6th Birthday!! The class baked a cake, made cards and sang Happy Birthday! Alisa lead the class in doing the mitzvah of tzedakah for her birthday. She was also our Shabbos Imma this week. During the celebration, each friend got the opportunity to give Alisa a special birthday wish. The cake was delicious and we had such a fun time!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Intrepid

Kindergarten had a fantastic trip to the Intrepid Museum. We had an amazing tour guide. The tour guide took us to a special room all set up with crayons and a slide show about the water cycle. As he explained the cycle through a story, the students colored in various parts of the water cycle picture they were given. After the show, we were taken on a tour of the museum. We saw many things such as where the people slept on the ship. Kindergarten even got a chance to get close to the flight deck! What an amzing sight to be able to see the planes on the ship. Kindergarten had such a fun and hands on, educational experience!

Happy Birthday Dalia!

Kindergarten celebrated Dalia's 6th Birthday! We baked a cake for her, sang Happy Birthday, gave tzedakah and went around the table and each wished Dalia a birthday wish! Dalia even gave a special bracha to all of her friends.
The cake was so tasty! Happy Birthday Dalia!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


The fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shvat is known as Tu B'Shvat - the birthday of the trees. The way we celebrated it was by learning about the seven special fruits and grains that Israel is blessed with and made beautiful Sheva Minim crowns. We also enjoyed a beautiful Tu B'Shvat fruit festival together with the entire school. What a fun day!

Kindergarten helped to prepare for this special event by making a gorgeous cupcake tree to share with the whole school!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Manuella!

Kindergarten celebrated Manuella's 6th Birthday! We baked a cake for her, sang songs, gave tzedakah, went around the table and each wished Manuella a birthday wish and ate cake! We had such a nice day.

Sink or Float?

Kindergarten is learning about what makes an object float or sink. We learned that the weight of an object is not the only factor that will determine whether an item will sink or float. We saw pictures of an anchor and decided that it was sinking in the picture. We then looked at a picture of a blow up pool toy and decided it floats because of the air inside of it. Kindergarten learned that the shape and what an object is made of is what determines if an item will sink or float. For example a boat in the ocean is a heavy object but does not sink...why? The material and shape of it are what allow it to float. Kindergarten made a chart to keep track of their predictions of whether various object we collected would sink or float. As we went along, we put a smiley face in the float or sink column. It was fun to learn about predicting!

It Looked Like Spilt Milk

Kindergarten read the book, It Looked Liked Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. As you read the book, you see the author describing various pictures. An example is, it look like a bird, but it wasn't a bird. This idea continues throughout the book until the last page where you realize the author is describing the various shapes we see when looking up at clouds in the sky. Each student in our Kindergarten class created their own picture that they see when looking up at the clouds. We put this together to create our own version of, It Looked Like Spilt Milk! We made a copy of our version to keep in our class library. Each of the students got a copy of the book to take home as well. We hope you liked reading it with your child!

Fraction are Fun!

Kindergarten is learning Fractions. Morah Dawn introduced the lesson by showing us a whole pizza. The pizza was then divided in half. The same was done with a popsicle. We learned that when something is divided in half, it is split into two equal pieces. Morah Dawn gave us various shapes and asked us to divide them in half. Then, we colored one half of each shape. We had so much fun!